Frequently Asked Questions

Why take a specific tool for telecommuting?

We conducted a survey of hundreds of HR managers supported by international telecommuting researchers. The hybrid model is becoming the norm and FlexTeam allows you to combine organizational flexibility with business performance.

I manage the attendance with an Excel table, why change?

Save time, make rotations and gauges evolve in real time, create specific rules according to the teams, find your colleagues in 1 click, upload the information in your HRIS…

Are you integrated with Slack?

Absolutely, don’t change your habits, receive notifications directly in Slack or Teams. We also integrate your Outlook and Google calendar

Do I have to install a new application and create an account?

Not at all, FlexTeam works natively on web, tablet and mobile. The employee’s work email is enough to register

Who sees the location of employees?

It’s up to you: open, managers only or HR, to each his own.

What about the RGPD?

No problem, we only store the absolutely necessary data (in France!) and respect all legal obligations